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> Scandi Native Projects < Tilbake


Native Am. Philosophy- and Wisdom preservation for spiritual Understanding Cross-Culturally & Project-cooperation with Native American/Indigenous Cultures. There´s been a minimum of (right) information in Scandinavia and Europe about the NA/Indigenous cultures, and as a support to this we also want to do something to help spread the information from the "NA point of view."

Developmental Projects include:

· Film- & Documentary project
· Multimedia production (CD-Rom/Internet)
· Educational/Informative projects
  (lecturings, newsletters, perf. arts)
  Book: Canku Luta - Den Røde Veien.
· Seminars/Workshops & Art Exhibits
· Project Coordination and Support
· Native Am. Co-operative projects
  Music prod./performance
· Spiritual Journeys

¤ More about ScandiNative Projects

¤ About Heidi Randall.

People involved with any of the above, or other related areas of interest,
- feel free to contact for more information!

" For children it is important to learn about values - and among the youth (future generations) there´s a need for an alternative that gives possibilities and options for these teachings and lifequality (The Traditional Lakota Camp Project), and for the Elders - a support in passing on and preserving ancient wisdom and share this from themselves."

Besides the Book & Film documentation Project

the intention is to support in spreading information from the Native American point of view, as we also develope other projects in related areas of interest: Coordineering of projects in Native American/Inter-cultural connection, informative productions and documentation for support in preserving indigenous knowledge, wisdom & philosophies for spiritual understanding. As part of this, we have been working on two main Projects:

InterCultural Co-operation Projects

The Culture-Bridge Project "Protect our Holy Mother." For the protection of nature and environment between the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association, the Sames/Lapplanders and the Oglala Lakota Sioux Peoples.

The Traditional Lakota Camp - For the 7th Generation

A Cultural & Spiritual Native Am. Traditional Camp in it´s natural environment, initiated and named by spiritual leaders, starting up it´s first phase in -91."
The raising and funding for a permanent camp to be established in the future.

This camp - initiated and named by spiritual leaders of the Lakotas, was started up in -91. The vision since then is still kept alive, but the time for it´s permanent base has not yet arrived. In the meantime, individuals have been doing informative work- awaiting to see it come true when the time is right! Our support in connection with this has for one big part involved a lot of informative work besides other projects related to the support of the life philosophies of the native cultures, their wisdomtraditions, and spirituality.
Behind this camp project are the traditional and respected Elders, Ceremonial leaders and Pipe-carriers. It is a project which intends bringing together people in spirit and culture, as a bridge between indigenous peoples ceremonial celebration and others who share the same vision from their heart - and who are of

¤ About the Camp

Independent Indian Owned & Operated Foundation-91.

Contact: Scandi Native - Native American Project Partner.
E-mail: mail@scandi-native.com

¤ Mitakuye Oyasin!