:: Hovedside.

> Mitakuye Oyasin


Hau Kolas,

"Projects relating to cross-cultural bridging between cultures for sharing of information, knowledge and wisdom, will be based and founded on the "essence" of native spiritual philosophy, representing the culture and "spirit" - with respect for the sacred, which will be the intention of any intercultural friendship & co-operation."

So much information needs to be understood (in it´s own context), and so much misunderstanding removed.

The intentions of the foundation with representing individuals, is sharing of these values,- the Red Road Philosophy, native spirituality & wisdomtraditions, preserving and passing on these teachings and support their common cultural interests related;

Supporting Native Am. interests in old traditions, arts- & crafts, philosophy, religious & spiritual related issues.
Cultural, creative and informative projects.

Native American Indian and Indigenous repr. will be dominant in certain projects, but the extended circle co-operation also welcomes other individuals, peoples or related cultures representing their wisdomtraditions & spiritual valuesystems.

Cross-Cultural Bridging -
Native Indigenous Wisdom & Understanding.
All My relations……..