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ScandiNative Foundation
¤ About Scandi Native in Norwegian.

¤ North- & South America Spiritual Unification Projects

¤ The Traditional Native Am. Camp Project (USA)

¤ Also see more about Spiritual Journeys (Peru)

¤ Mitakuye Oyasin!

E-mail: mail@scandi-native.com
For related/cooperation relations feel free to make contact.

Scandi Native Project Forum

- for native am. indigenous cross-cultural cooperation, bridging of cultures, indigenous wisdom preservation, ,visual communication projects and spiritual journeys (cultural tours).

The Forum supports in preserving of the original Native/Indigenous core spiritual teachings and wisdomtraditions, through intercultural friendship and co-operation with different Native American Cultures of North- & South America. Crosscultural Indigenous studies of universal cosmology.

– for the 7th generation;

”For children it is important to learn about values – and among the youth (future generations) there´s a need for an alternative that gives possibilities and options for these teachings and life-quality (The Traditional Lakota Camp Project), and for the Elders – a support in passing on and preserving ancient wisdom and share this from themselves.”

Projects are founded and based on the “essence” of native spiritual philosophy, representing the cultural ”spirit” – with respect for the sacred in sharing of indigenous knowledge, wisdom & values.

ScandiNative coordinates spiritual journeys to some of the powerful places which embraces much of those cultures we are priviliged to learn directly from - and experience more about spiritually. This is an honor, as these people are respected representatives of spiritual and cultural leaders from several Indigenous Cultures from both South- and North America! Visiting at some of these most sacred sites and natural pyramids is an experience of a lifetime, enjoying this wonderful time with the beautiful Native peoples & learning more about the prophesises and spiritual orientation is awesome!

Native am. representatives will be dominant in certain projects (owned & operated foundation), but the extended circle-cooperation also welcomes other individuals, peoples and related cultures representing their wisdomtraditions & spiritual valuesystems.

Mitakuye Oyasin!